Call us at :
0041 (0)22 860 18 63


Here comes the fun part, and there are no tricks:Poweroffice is free !

Contact us by phone at 0041 (0) 22860 18 63 to know how to proceed with the installation.

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Call us at :
0041 (0)22 860 18 63


"Après avoir bricolé moi-même une base de données pour notre PME – et m’être rapidement rendu compte que je ne parvenais qu’à solutionner une partie infime des problèmes que je rencontrais – j’ai décidé de confier l’élaboration d’une nouvelle base à un développeur indépendant. Hélas, là aussi, j’ai dû déchanter : malgré d’indiscutables atouts – et une facture de plusieurs milliers de francs – la nouvelle stucture ne répondait que partiellement à nos attentes. Un peu plus d’une année après …"

- kumquat Sàrl - Jean-Luc Wey


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Poweroffice - Simple - Fast - Powerful

PowerOffice is a very powerful database to perform all the usual tasks in a company. This easy to use, compatible with both Mac and Windows, multi-lingual - French, Italian, English, Portuguese, German, Spanish, Romanian – database has been developed with an eye to the small and medium-sized (SMEs) enterprises.

Our know-how comes from 25 years of close relationship with SMEs active in many different sectors. We were told what their needs are, we have integrated them into our PowerOffice and we have taught these companies how to use it effectively in order to maximise their economic benefits and corporate image.

Each year we devote around 2'300 hours to its development, using what we consider the fundamental principles of ergonomics in order to make it simple and intuitive to use.

Compared to the classical office tools- text processing, spreadsheets – this programme is significantly time-saving, allowing a better overview and supporting a multiple-user network with simultaneous users, even from outside the company premises. After just one day of training the user is able to use the whole set of modules offered by PowerOffice, without to need of any specific informatic skills or user’s manuals.

After - sales support

without a good after-sales support even the best database in the world loses much of its value.


Modules implemented

  • Opticians
  • Schools
  • Framers
  • Heating and water system installers
  • Combustion technicians
  • Shops in general
  • Flittes of any sector
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